
The Next Mile curriculum offers practical tools to enable leaders to plan, conduct and follow-through with short-term mission trips for long-term impact.



Going on a mission trip? Already back? Check out the 12 part E-Zine series for different post trip topics and further engagement.

The Next Mile Conference

An Impacting One-Day Conference

for Youth and Adults



Serving on a short-term mission team or any short-term ministry reawakens our passion for God and being a part of His work.  Yet, KEEPING THE FLAME ALIVE beyond that experience is tough and cannot be done alone.  While some provide a "debriefing" event there is much more that can be done after the ministry to help individuals take The Next Mile in their walk with Christ.

You can bring this IMPACTING ONE DAY CONFERENCE with the theme, Gonna Stay Diff4Rnt, to your church and let's together process your missions or ministry experience and explore how to apply what you've learned back home.

Let's commit to go THE NEXT MILE in our spiritual pilgrimage with the Lord.

THEME: Gonna Stay Different

WHO IS INVITED? This one-day conference is for anyone who has served on or led a short-term mission or mid-term mission trip, at a camp, studied abroad or any other type of ministry.

WHAT IS THIS FOR? Those who want to live devoted lives for Christ everyday! This conference will equip and encourage those who attend through general sessions, seminars, worship and connecting with others who have a passion to keep the flame alive.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO THE LOCAL CHURCH? Take a look at this list of a few of the many benefits.

If you are interested in hosting a Next Mile Conference contact us.