
The Next Mile curriculum offers practical tools to enable leaders to plan, conduct and follow-through with short-term mission trips for long-term impact.



Going on a mission trip? Already back? Check out the 12 part E-Zine series for different post trip topics and further engagement.

Newly released!

A Coach's Guide

Change lives before, during and after a short-term mission!

The Next Mile:  A Coach’s Guide, by Steve Thomas with Chris McDaniel, is designed to encourage and equip pastors and lay leaders to follow-through with returning short-term missionaries in a meaningful way. The goal is to see short-termers experience lasting change by helping them determine God's call on their lives and how they can become more like Christ.

Developed in partnership with Western Seminary’s Transformational Coach Training Program, this guide will equip you with enough information to become an informal coach for a returning short-termer. A short-termer is someone who has participated on a short-term mission team, served at a Christian camp or any type of short-term ministry assignment for as little as a few days to three years.

Chad Hall, Director of Coaching for Western Seminary and Author of Coaching for Christian Leaders: A Practical Guide says, “Coaching makes a difference - whether it's coaching applied with a CEO, a college student, a missionary, or a disciple.  The Next Mile:  A Coach’s Guide provides simple and straightforward training for coaches who will serve a very important population: short-term missionaries.  The guide equips novice coaches to have powerful conversations that help the short-term missionaries leverage their mission experience for continued growth in spirit, truth, and godliness.  As one who sees the power of coaching for faith movement, I cannot think of a better application for coaching!”

The basic objectives are 1) For you to know a basic definition of coaching and the unique role coaching plays in a person’s spiritual growth; 2) For you to understand the basic framework of a coaching conversation; 3) For this Coach Guide to serve as a resource in your coaching; 4) To provide the short-termer with intentional help and forward movement as they consider the impact of their trip on the rest of their lives.

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